Our History
The history of Christ Lutheran Church (established in 1901) is interwoven with that of the neighboring parishes, Zion Lutheran, rural Hartford (established in 1881) and St Paul Lutheran, Humboldt (Est 1899). The faith-filled families who began to gather in these small rural congregations could not have known that hundreds of souls - if not thousands - would gather to be formed in the Word of God in generations to come. Below, are a few words printed by a pastor from almost 100 years ago. Pastor John Drewelow, 1926-1935 writes,
“Here (at Christ Lutheran Church) the Holy Father has opened His loving arms and clasped infants to His bosom in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Here children and adults have promised to remain true to Christ, His Church and to each other as they began their home with Christ as the Cornerstone. Here, week in and week out, the Word has been preached in all its truth and purity, and here the sorrowing eyes of them who were left behind were dried because they had received God's assurance that through Christ there is happiness in the Hereafter."