Serve and Volunteer

Get involved!  There is something for everyone.  "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25

Worship Assistants

Use your time and talents to help before, during or after worship. Our worship assistants help in the following areas: Ushers, Greeters, Lectors, Acolytes, Communion Assistants, Audio/Visual, Praise Band, after worship Fellowship Hosts.

Please use the buttons below to sign up for a particular day.

Food Pantry Cart

Each month we collect food for the Hartford Food Pantry. You may bring your donated items to church and put them in the grocery cart in the fellowship area.  Thank  you for your support in this ministry.

Hy-Vee and Sunshine Card Fundraiser

When you buy a gift card Hy-Vee / Sunshine will donate 5% of the amount you spend back to the church.  Since there is no additional money coming out of your pocket it is a great way to buy your groceries and get a donation to our church from Hy-Vee  / Sunshine at the same time! If you would like to buy a card during the week please contact the church at (605) 528-3424 to pick your card up at the church office.

Connect: Worship | Education | Serve | Occasions